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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

More on the challenges against Justice Paul Anderson

Alan Lawrence Nelson -- on of the two candidates challenging Justice Paul Anderson for his seat -- has unveiled his biographical information on his website. It turns out that, in addition to being a lawyer, Nelson has been a software engineer for 23 years. He describes his software and law careers ar "parallel."

"I pride myself on keeping clients out of the courtroom," he writes on his website. "I’ve been doing it for 16 years. General areas of practice include estate planning, real estate, business contracts, and copyright law."

Nelson sees his computer experience as an asset to the high court. "Software Engineering is probably one of the best non-legal training careers for a Supreme Court judge," he writes. "A software engineer has to be able to read thousands (sometimes millions) of lines of source code; analyze megabytes of trace data; decypher [sic] the intent of the original designers (and all the subsequent engineers who have 'fixed' the code); and then arrive at a solution that solves today’s problem and that can withstand future changes."

Nelson also says he will not accept campaign contributions, and believes in keeping politics out of judicial elections. "Like many people, I’m worried about politics and negative ads creeping into judicial elections. Accordingly, my campaign is focused solely on my qualifications to be the next Supreme Court Associate Justice," he writes.

Anderson's other challenger, Tim Tingelstad, is a child support magistrate in the 9th Judicial District. Tingelstad makes a point of noting that his Biblical worldview informs his decisions as a judge. He has run for judgeships twice before -- once for a Supreme Court seat and once for a trial court seat. His website is http://www.highesthill.com.

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