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Friday, May 11, 2007

Gonzales speaks out about Paulose

Today's Star Tribune features an article discussing statements made by U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales to Rep. Keith Ellison, D. Minn., yesterday during a House Judiciary Committee hearing. According to Gonzales, the Department of Justice is working with Minnesota U.S. Attorney Rachel Paulose to improve her performance and that if improvement isn't seen, the Department would consider replacing her.

Apparently, this was the first time Gonzales or anyone in his office has said anything publicly about developments in the Minnesota U.S. Attorney's office.

Without making any comment as to Paulose's job performance, isn't it obvious that the Department of Justice should replace a U.S. Attorney whose performance isn't adequate? Is this really news?


Anonymous said...

It is politics and it's games...
I'm not sure why people even bother looking at this 3rd rate paper...
no ethics or fairness...

Anonymous said...

Uh, you're attacking the Star Tribune becaus Gonzales called out Paulose? Apparently it's not just the "crazy libs at the Star Tribune" who don't like her.

Anonymous said...

Gonzales said, if there is an issue, the department will look into it. that should be normal business practice. so, what is the news here? Yes, a lot of people don't like her. why? she does not look like them???
some other facts are becoming more clear now. she was not hired because of her relationship with any republicans. it looks like the department identified an intelligent, over-achiever and recruited her for the job.

Anonymous said...

That's a nice piece of hyperbole. At top notch firms around the country, including Minneapolis, her resume is a dime a dozen. Again, check out her rep at her current and former places of employment and see how many people believe she has the skills to be a US Attorney.

The simple fact is that she is underqualified for a huge job. Not her fault the AG made a huge mistake in picking her.

Unknown said...

Anonymous John:
I took your advice and did some investigations about Paulose. Guess what...I have found out that there are a few disgruntled employees who are creating all this drama and media manipulation against Ms.Paulose.
You are spending most of your time writing on these blogs against Paulose.
The rest of the world has a life. I will have to conclude this because I have a life too!