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Monday, July 2, 2007

Ready for a record influx of lawyers?

Minnesota Lawyer has an interesting article this week on the bar exam (see "A record number of takers bracing for the bar exam"). How many people does this record number of takers represent? 906. That is nearly a 40 percent increase from the number of people who took the July exam five years ago. (The exam is offered in February as well, but July is, by far, the more popular month to take it.)

Part of the reason the number of test takers has grown so exponentially is the addition of fourth law school in the state -- the University of St. Thomas School of Law -- which opened its doors in 2001 and began graduating students three years later.

One does wonder how many lawyers the Twin Cities market can sustain. However, before anyone panics too much, when I was sworn into the Massachusetts bar in the 1990s, there were 2,000 others sworn in that same day. Minnesota has not quite gotten to that point -- yet anyway. And, as we all know, the more lawyers you graduate, the more you suddenly find you need ...

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