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Monday, September 3, 2007

MSBA undertakes relief effort in flooded areas

As Minnesota Lawyer notes in Bar Buzz this week, Rushford lawyers Dennis Rutger and Terry Chiglow are grateful for the assistance that has poured in since last month’s floods destroyed their offices. However, they remain concerned about the legal needs of their community.

The Minnesota State Bar Association sent veteran lawyer/disaster responder Sue Holden down to southern Minnesota last week with a box full of office supplies to meet with the lawyers and check out the situation. (As many in the bar will recall, Holden made Hurricane Katrina relief a priority when she was MSBA president.)

The MSBA is currently putting together volunteer lawyers to work through the American Bar Association Young Lawyers Section to provide assistance to flood victims, just as the ABA did after Katrina. (Volunteers should check with the MSBA at mnbar.org.)

In addition, Todd Scott of Minnesota Lawyers Mutual has offered computer support, and the MSBA Real Property Section has made a sample remodeling/renovation contract available at the bar association’s website.

There are 57 businesses in Rushford and 53 or so of those have been destroyed, according to Chiglow. That means there is going to be a lot of legal need.

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