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Monday, October 1, 2007

Pleas withdrawn, costs awarded in 'photo cop' cases

In a decision issued today, Hennepin County District Court Judge Mark Wernick granted the defendants’ motions to reopen their “stop on red” cases and obtain a refund of fines and costs paid.

Specifically, Wernick found:

-- W ith respect to those Defendant-Claimants above who pleaded guilty to violating the Minneapolis automated traffic control ordinance, such guilty pleas are hereby withdrawn and the charges are dismissed. The city of Minneapolis shall take all necessary action to decertify the convictions and refund all fines, surcharges, and law library fees.

-- With respect to those Defendant-Claimants above who paid prosecution costs as part of a suspended prosecution agreement, the city of Minneapolis shall take all necessary action to refund such costs.

The decision is Minneapolis v. Adan, et al.

1 comment:

Scott said...

Could they make it any harder to determine "how" to get your refund? There are no links anywhere to see if you are on the list of "stop on red" et al. or when the city will send out refunds!
I heard a report on the radio that the city was surprised by the small number or refund requests but when they erect information barriers, what do they expect?