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Monday, September 29, 2008

Minnesota Lawyer election videos debut: Judge Philip Bush

Minnesota Lawyer is trying something new this judicial-election cycle -- providing video clips of the candidates in selected judicial races. Our cameraman, Bill Klotz, shot video footage of judicial candidates responding to questions at the Hennepin County Bar Association's judicial candidate's forum in Minneapolis on Sept. 22. (Five out of six of the Hennepin County District Court candidates participated.) This week, we will provide a video clip of each of the five candidates who were there.

Today, we start with Judge Philip Bush. Bush, the incumbent, has been challenged by attorney Alan Eugene Link, who works for Regis Corp. Bush has served in the seat for 19 years. Link declined to participate in the forum and has not responded to informational requests.

In the following clip, Bush responds to a question about when the laws a judge must apply conflict with his/her personal views. The debate moderator was former Hennepin County District Court Judge Pamela Alexander, who now heads the Council on Crime and Justice.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think that it is crucial for the legal community actively to support experienced judges like Judge Bush when they are opposed by unqualified challengers.