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Friday, October 3, 2008

Twin Cities Legal; The Siebens are ready for their closeup

If you are a fan of Boston Legal, you may see a few familiar faces on Monday's episode. Local attorneys and brothers, Harry, Mike, Bill and John Sieben will all make a cameo appearance.

The Sieben brothers, originally from Hastings, were given the opportunity to appear on the episode titled “Dances with Wolves” after expressing their fondness for the series to former Hastings resident and Hollywood Producer Trent Broin, according to a press release.

The Siebens are, of course, well-known personal injury lawyers when they are not hobnobbing with the Hollywood elite. They report the cast was cordial, and that actor James Spader even expressed an interest in their professional lives.


Anonymous said...

Isn't James Spader's girlfriend's father an attorney from Moorhead?

Mark Cohen, editor said...

Interesting. Spader's girlfriend/ fiancee, actress Leslie Stefanson, is from Moorhead, and there is a lawyer with that name practicing there ...