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Thursday, September 20, 2007

Frivolous lawsuits, continued

I was watching Harvey Birdman, attorney at law the other night on Cartoon Network when it occurred to me — right after Top Cat got arrested for 'being a cat' — that there's nothing particularly funny about an incompetent judge.

To wit: Soo Chung and her husband Jin Nam Chung just closed their dry cleaning shop in Washington, D.C., after a two year legal battle with Administrative Law Judge Roy L. Pearson, who sued them for $54 million over a missing pair of pants.

Pearson lost, but two years of litigating the "pants suit" and the prospects of an appeal ultimately drove this South Korean couple out of business.

"This is a truly tragic example of how devastating frivolous litigation can be to the American people and to small businesses," attorney Chris Manning said in a statement.

Keep that in mind the next time you see Judge Gibber Jabber on Boston Legal.

So. Not. Funny.

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