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Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Any given Tuesday (the NH primary)

It's been a pretty fun primary season to watch so far. And I love it when the pollsters and pundits turn out to be completely wrong, as they were last night.

Figuring there was no better place to witness democracy in action than an Irish pub, I watched the results come in over at O'Gara's in St. Paul. I was amazed at how many people -- particularly young folks -- were there to cheer on their favorite candidate. There was a table full of folks with Barack Obama campaign signs who apparently had the audacity of hope. A group of folks cheered when John McCain gave his victory speech. Another group clapped when the results came in showing Hillary Clinton was in the lead. The air was filled with the same energy and enthusiasm that might have been present at a major sporting event.

It's good to see so much excitement over an election. Even if your favorite candidate doesn't win, it's good to be engaged in the process. That said, I glad I'm not a political pollster. I think 99.9997 percent of them have some explaining to do today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When L. Douglas Wilder ran for Governor of Virginia in 1989, exit polling showed him with a comfortable lead, while the actual vote count was too close to call. Reason being people were ashamed to tell the exit pollers they were voting a straight Democratic ticket, except for the top spot which was occupied by a black man.

Does this shed some light on the NH numbers?