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Thursday, January 10, 2008

Meet the ex-Attorneys General (Hey, we don't like that plural either)

The Hennepin County Bar Association is running a panel discussion next week that might be worth checking out -- particularly if you've ever done any work for a big insurer or healthcare company. It's called: "What to Do When the State Attorney General Comes Calling?"

The panelists are two former Minnesota Attorneys General -- Warren Spannaus and Mike Hatch. Spannaus served 12 years as attorney general in the '70s and early '80s and is now retired. Hatch was AG from 1999 to January 2007 . He is now special counsel with the Minneapolis law firm of Blackwell Burke P.A.

Among the questions the two ex-AGs will answer are:

-- What is the best way to handle a request from the Attorney General’s office? Do you run for cover? (Hmmm. I am guessing the answer to this one is "no" ...)

-- How should you respond to a CID (Civil Investigative Demand)?

-- What does the AG’s office expect when they forward a complaint to your client?

The one-credit CLE is Jan. 17 at noon at the HCBA offices. (Click here for more info.)

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