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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Many law students show to help foreclosed upon homeowners

The University of St. Thomas School of Law last night hosted a training session for individuals interested in helping homeowners whose properties are being foreclosed upon. (Click here for Minnesota Lawyer article.) An overflow crowd of mostly law students poured into a room that accommodates 105 for the three-hour session. (UST Prof. Hank Shea said that 120 people signed up for the event. From the look of things -- they all showed up.)

It was good to see many lawyers-to-be so eager to get active and help out those affected by the mortgage crisis. And the students were not just from UST. I ran into several students who had made the trek from William Mitchell and Hamline.

It's a cliche, but the worst of times often bring out the best in people. This pro bono effort also represents a side of the profession that the public doesn't always get to see, which is unfortunate.


Anonymous said...

There were at least three of us from the U of M, too!

Mark Cohen, editor said...

Great! I figured there were probably some U folks there -- I just didn't happen to run into any of you. For the record then, we can say that all four Minnesota law schools were represented at this important volunteer effort. Kudos Minnesota law students!