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Thursday, June 19, 2008

Volunteers needed to assist with search

This just in from the Minnesota State Bar Association:

Keith Kennedy, 25, the son of MSBA member Bruce Kennedy, wandered away from a camp for developmentally challenged adults last Sunday and is still missing. He requires anti-rejection drugs for a transplant, adding to the urgency of the search.

Organizers of the search need additional volunteers to help search for Keith. The search requires many volunteers because it must be conducted by shoulder to shoulder sweeps of the 80 acre camp, including woods and swamps.

The search will go on until nightfall tonight and will start again at first light on Friday. If you can help search, wear long pants and long-sleeve shirts and hiking boots and warm socks and a hat. BRING BUG SPRAY -they've used up all the bug spray in Grantsburg and water.

Please do not call the Sheriff's Office unless you have information. If you can help search, drive directly to the camp; you do not need to call in advance.

UPDATE (Sun., June 22 at 9:57 p.m.): Keith Kennedy found!

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