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Monday, November 3, 2008

A brief message from the editor

Thank you to the thousands of dedicated voters who found and used Minnesota Lawyer's online judicial election guide, our website and this blog to get information about the 2008 judicial election. I was heartened to see how many folks out there want to cast a meaningful ballot in the judicial races and availed themselves of the information that we provided. A number of you were kind enough to drop me e-mails and calls to express your gratitude at having this information at your fingertips, to which I can only reply the pleasure was ours.

If I can be allowed the indulgence of making a few thank yous of my own, I would like to recognize the efforts of the judicial candidates for participating; the rest of our editorial staff (particularly our Web editor, Adam Johnson); Bill Klotz, our photographer/ videographer; the IT folks who made this possible; and our publisher, Steve Jahn, and our corporate parent, Dolan Media, for believing this voter-information project was important enough to allow us to dedicate substantial time and resources to it.

This post concludes Minnesota Lawyer's pre-election coverage of the 2008 judicial races. We will, of course, have follow up coverage of the judicial election on our website and in the print edition of Minnesota Lawyer newspaper.

I would also like to take this opportunity to announce that very soon we will be launching a completely revamped version of the Minnesota Lawyer blog with an exciting new look. Stay tuned for details. Thanks again for visiting, and we hope to see you again soon!

-- Mark A. Cohen
Editor-in-chief, Minnesota Lawyer

P.S. Don't forget to vote tomorrow! Click here for more info on the judicial races if you are still doing your research.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good job covering the judicial campaigns & elections, Mark. You outclassed the Strib & Pioneer-Press in 2000 when I ran & you're still doing it. Burt Hanson