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Thursday, November 6, 2008

Recounts and representational rethinking

The Minnesota Lawyer website has posted its judicial election wrap up story. Click here to see it.

All-in-all the election went pretty smoothly. Unlike the primary, there were no recounts necessary -- which is probably for the best given that the Secretary of State's Office is pretty busy with that whole Coleman/Franken recount thing. It's an coincidence that there was no statewide recount necessary in Minnesota for 46 years -- and then within a couple of months of each other we get two, one in a judicial race, one is a Senate race.

Meanwhile, Minneapolis attorney (and former U.S. attorney) Tom Heffelfinger, who was to represent Coleman in the recount, has withdrawn.

"I am committed to a thorough, expeditious, and non-partisan review of the interaction between law enforcement and the community during the RNC. I have realized that taking a leadership role with Senator Coleman’s recount team would interfere with my commitment to the City and the RNC inquiry. Therefore I have informed the Coleman campaign I will not be available for the recount effort," Heffelfinger said in a press release issued today.

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