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Saturday, August 25, 2007

Faegre lawyer shot, but still helped subdue shootout suspect

The Star Tribune reports that Faegre & Benson lawyer Keith Radtke, 37, was shot and wounded in his Lakeland home. Despite being shot, Radtke helped subdue a 23-year-old Circle Pines man who broke into the Radtke family home while being chased by authorities. Authorities wanted the man in connection with an interstate shootout. Radtke is reported in good condition. For more, see the Strib article, "Circle Pines man held in shootout, fight with homeowner."


Anonymous said...

Keith Radtke is a hero! He saved his wife, got shot, subdued the attacker, and then waited 5 to 10 minutes for the police to arrive. That's one hell of a lawyer.

BigBro said...

My brother is one heck of a guy!! I wanted to point out that he did not "help subdue" the attacker, he single-handedly fought with this attacker, even after being shot, and held him until police arrived.

Mark Cohen, editor said...

I didn't mean to downplay it. I think what Keith Radtke did is amazing -- and would encourage folks to read the linked article detailing more fully how events unfolded.