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Monday, September 24, 2007

Schwebel likes the view from the top of the IDS

Rochelle Olson has an interesting piece in today's Star Tribune on the lawyers handling the 35W bridge collapse litigation ("Lawyers seek cause in preparing for lawsuits").

As we have blogged here before, there is a group of local lawyers handling some of the victims' cases pro bono, and then there is Jim Schwebel (right) and his firm, Schwebel, Goetz and Sieben, handling the cases of a number of the victims -- reportedly 19 -- under the the typical contingent-fee arrangement.

While the pro bono effort is laudable in that it will help some of the victims, I also do not have any problem with a good personal-injury firm charging for representation. It's what they are in business to do, isn't it?

That said, I am not sure Schwebel is doing the image of P.I. lawyers much of a favor by having quotes like the one that concludes the Strib piece: "We wouldn't be on the top floor of the IDS building if we made a lot of bad judgments as to which cases to get involved in," Schwebel humbly told the Strib.

Hmmm. So much for the meek inheriting the Earth. In any event, I thought Eva Gabor (left) in the theme song from the TV show 'Green Acres' expressed Schwebel's underlying sentiment far more eloquently: "I just adore a penthouse view/ Darling, I love you, but give me Park Avenue."

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