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Monday, September 24, 2007

The yoke's on federal judge; Minnesota cited Seuss first

The Associated Press carried a piece over the weekend about a federal judge in New Hampshire who wrote a rhyming decision as an homage to Dr. Seuss after the judge received a hard-boiled egg in his mailbox from an inmate. And to which Dr. Seuss classic did the judge turn for inspiration? I probably don't even have to tell you that it was "Green Eggs and Ham."

"I do not like eggs in the file," the judge wrote. "I do not like them in any style. I will not take them fried or boiled. I will not take them poached or broiled. I will not take them soft or scrambled/Despite an argument well-rambled." (Click here for more.)

The federal judge was taking a page (sorry for the pun) from Minnesota Supreme Court Justice Alan Page (right), who once quoted Dr. Seuss in the footnote of a high court decision. (The case -- decided in 1999 -- was Koehnen v. Dufour, et al.) In footnote 43 of that decision, Page cited to a different Seuss classic, "Horton Hears a Who."

I do not know whether the "egg" judge was aware of Page's prior Seuss reference, but personally I think the whole idea was poached from Minnesota.

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