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Monday, March 10, 2008

The 'iLawyers' have it

Apropos to absolutely nothing, I replaced my old cell phone (a Motorola RAZR) with an iPhone this weekend. If you have not checked out iPhones yet, they are definitely worth looking into.

Not only do they have a sleek-looking display, but, more to the point, they give you access to the Internet virtually anywhere. Thus, you can read the New York Times (or even this blog) as you wait for a CLE to start or for a court proceeding to begin. Heck, if you are using the Internet to do research for a client, you can even bill the time. Thought of that way, a Dorsey or Faegre lawyer could completely recoup the $400 cost of an iPhone by squeezing out just a single hour of extra billing.

Perhaps all the big Twin Cities firms should consider getting one for their lawyers ...

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