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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

New district judge plays no favorites - not even Mom

Lost in the flurry of candidacy filings and impending challenges against sitting judges was the news of one newly-minted judge who won't have to face a challenge for more than two more years.

Assistant Winona County Attorney Nancy Bostrack was named as judge for Minnesota's Third District, where she will take over for Judge Margaret Shaw Johnson, who retired May 13. Bostrack beat out former Senior Olmsted County Attorney Lisa Swenson and Rochester civil trial lawyer Daniel Heuel for the seat.

Bostrack, 42, earned her law degree from the Hamline University School of Law in 1991 and joined the Winona County office in 1992, and is also an adjunct professor at Winona State University.

Bostrack has a track record as a stern prosecutor. At the ceremony during which her appointment was announced by Gov. Tim Pawlenty, Bostrack's father, Lou Buytendorp, remarked to reporters, "She's the type that would sentence her mother to jail if her mother were caught robbing a bank."

UPDATE: Pawlenty also announced the appointment of Steven R. Schwab to a Third Judicial District trial court bench vacancy in the city of Albert Lea in Freeborn County. The vacancy occurred with the retirement of the Honorable James E. Broberg on April 29, 2008.

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