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Thursday, April 12, 2007

From the classroom to the courtroom

There is an interesting piece in the Pioneer Press about a lawsuit over religion in public schools. It seems like these religious suits have really proliferated in recent years. I wonder if that means as a society we are getting more religious or less. Perhaps it just means that we are getting more litigious. In any event, here is a snippet of the article for your perusal:

St. Paul schools in fight over free speech

By Shannon Prather
Pioneer Press/ April 11, 2007

Boys Scouts troops and Little League teams try to boost their ranks by handing out fliers in St. Paul public schools. Church youth groups want in on the action.

The Greater St. Paul Area Evangelicals sued St. Paul Public Schools this week, contending a district rule barring religious fliers violates First Amendment free speech rights.

The district acknowledges it bans materials of a sectarian nature. But administrators' main concern is the church group's flier asks parents to take their children out of class each week, a school district attorney said.

The lawsuit is among the latest controversies over free speech in public schools.

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