In a letter to AG Lori Swanson, Hatch said: "Because of my presence in your administration, it is apparent that changes I made during my administration are unfairly attributed to you. It is not appropriate you should become targets of complaints involving my administration. I hope that with this resignation the public will continue to focus on the good deeds you are undertaking on behalf of ordinary citizens.'' For more, click here. (Star Tribune)
The Pioneer Press has the full text of Hatch's resignation letter. Hatch is apparently giving two weeks notice, which strikes me as a bit odd given the situation.
In any case, I applaud Hatch's decision, which will allow Swanson to work on straightening out the longstanding management issues at the office and get back to serving the people of this state, which I believe she is capable of doing well.
Now it will be interesting to see if any of those lucrative private sector job offers Hatch said he had will materialize. Having seen him in action both in court and in the office, I can't imagine any law firm willing to touch him with a ten foot pole much less a six-figure salary.
And let's see whether the Lawyer's Board disciplines him for interfering in the case in Judge Leary's court in Ramsey County. . . . he may not be able to work as a lawyer for a little while.
Whether this mess has been his fault, or not, or partially, this was a good move. Clears the way for the current AG to try to fix things, a path not open to her with Hatch in the office.
And, while I dislike the guy and his politics, if I ran a Minn plaintiff PI shop, or a plaintiff health-care group, I'd hire him in a minute. I'd try not to sit near him or speak to him, but I'd spend the money he would make, happily.
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